Woke up feeling woolly, the bug again, and I've been tired all day. Still suffering from some kind of exhaustion I think because I'm not in charge of my emotions in the way I usually am. Think I feel the need to just rest from time to time and start feeling emotional if I don't.
Strange old day anyway. Puter is just left for now and I'll deal with it when I've moved. Will get in touch with Packard Bell for the parts I need for this one to get it back to what it was again.
I'm so tired. Today, did shopping for food. Got papers. Went out for a while, got wet, suppose it was good that I was wearing the velvet Mary Janes because even when wet they're still comfortable, though I need to dry them now so that they don't start smelling musty. Got on a really slow bus, slow because of the traffic, and that took quite a while out of my day really.
Maybe I'm just feeling general world angst as well. I mean I have to at times don't I. Someone said to me when I was a teenager that it'd be better not to know too much about the world. Too late now. Experienced enough to be able to put myself in other peoples situations too. I have no illusions left on the down side. Again it'll take my mind a couple of days to process that. It's generally the same.
The fluey bug has depressed me, it's affected my mind, but I know that's not unusual. I just hope that it's not going to turn into some Post Viral Syndrome type situation that'll drag on.
I'm starting to react to what's going on in my mind at the moment and really it's just putting details into some of the things I was thinking about before.Expanding on things that'd been going through my mind. Well, starting to. Wondering what the options are for putting some of my own experience to really good use. I'm aware of some of the options but realise there must be a lot more.
Anyway, let that line of thinking develop at it's own pace or it'll be hard to cope with at the moment because of the exhaustion. Going through the options and why they're options isn't the easiest thing to think about.
And putting it in perspective by being aware of some of the amazing things I know people have done. But I've got to take all this thinking slowly.