Saturday, October 15, 2005

Absolutely freaking tired

I'm really tired but it feels more of a healthy tiredness than the exhaustion coupled with pain or discomfort that I've been feeling for a while in the evenings.

Didn't want to talk much this evening cause I'm so tired. I'm still quite swollen up and that's still occasionally causing the sort of teary feeling. I feel the irritation and then the depression heads in but it's nowhere near as bad as it was.

Ah,I had to go and rest and I've been asleep for six hours, still feel exhausted though.

I warned people yesterday that if they got a bug and then got a painful spine to go to see their doctor. I have a weakness there from a previous bug so I'm prone to problems like this but this time it really got out of hand.

Going to see if I can get some more sleep.