Saturday, October 15, 2005


Well, yeah. Someone took great lengths to tell me how lucky I've been to come out of this illness like I have. I know. I know what was wrong with me and I know that I'm very lucky indeed given the physical stress I heaped on myself on top of the illness. I'm still tired and there's still a bit of pain and my muscles aren't quite back to normal yet but there's enough going on to let me know they're sorting themselves out.

I'm eating reasonably and I know as a vegan thatI have to eat a good diet anyway. Also laughter is meant to be a good therapy isn't it. I can reduce myself to fits of laughter quite easily (and other people) and my mind seems to be becoming quite creative again as I get on with everyday life. I believe it's meant to help in recovery. And other people help too.

Sleep. Well, that's still a bit of a problem. Has been for years thanks to a virus I caught that messed around with my sleep centre. Before that I'd always been a good sleeper but went for ages just getting around three hours sleep a night after the virus. I can still remember the buzzing and shrieking in my head from the fever that messed up my brains sleep centre. I've never properly recovered but I sleep better than I did. And I can meditate to get extra rest and refresh myself.

Fortunately I don't seem to get bacterial infections when I have a virus, no chest infections or anything like that. Sometimes think it might be because I haven't lived in pristine conditions and my body is reasonably used to having good defences there and has seemed to prioritise them over viral defences. I don't think I've ever had a chest infection. Can't ever remember having any nasty gunge.

Still I didn't need telling this morning to realise how lucky I've been coming out of this illness like this. I'm really aware of the situation.But thankyou to the person who was so concerned.