Sunday, October 09, 2005

Feeling better .... (almost)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just the back of my head that feels a bit sensitive now. Considering I went out again today I suppose I'm lucky really. I'm still swollen up, it's just that it's not feeling so bad anymore. And it is the illness that's making me so tired and what's for me, over emotional. Guess it's probably to do with the strain I've physically put my body under while I've been ill as much as being ill in itself.

Diet is healthy again. Even forgot to buy any chocolate today. Think I was a bit too transfixed by the metal belt I got from the Chinese shop with little dangling guitars. Same price as usual. Also will keep the rings that look like lotus blossoms. The pink ones because they are lotusy, but will keep a rainbow one as well.

Still feel sort of vaguely Buddhist in philosophy, and it's something to use as a guide if I get a bit away from where I want to be. So lotus blossoms it is and my Buddha beads from the 98p shop. Shouldn't need them really I guess.

I bought some of the belts as presents, but left a couple and was pleased I did because a young woman bought one of them while I was there. She plays guitar.

At the moment I'm watching/listening to this:

Was listening to listening to/watching (I play it on the puter) it yesterday too when I should've been reading this:

Tonight I'll be reading.