Friday, October 07, 2005

Again shamelessly nicked from another board (where I'm a member!!)

Study finds that women connect sex with submission

and it impacts on how they feel and gets in the way of enjoyment.

That's just so sad. But reading the bag and seeing how people were hanging round for texts and reading about how some people behave I had started to wonder about this myself.

I don't and I think if I did the test my results wouldn't show that result because I don't.

My sexuality is bound up with enjoying sharing physical and emotional feelings. The latter being one of the reasons I haven't been interested in casual sex. There are others but that's one of them. I think being with women and imagining what they were feeling has probably made me the way I am. When I started feeling like that it made me understand more about stone butches too. I find it really powerful. Makes me quite vulnerable because of that but not submissive.

Lost the exchange of emotion in the way I mean for a while.

I must admit I'm not one for submissive behaviour anyway. Someone was talking about their mum and dad a little while ago and saying how happy they are, always holding hands and being affectionate but this person also said that her mum was totally compliant to her father. I could feel my eyeballs starting to rotate. I suppose it could be a relationship that exists for a power exchange of that kind. I don't understand those either but I know some people enjoy them. I'm obviously not one of them. I like equality in relationships understanding that there has to be give and take to get there.

The article made me feel sad though.