Sunday, October 02, 2005

Feeling cut off

I know it's just exhaustion and having had the bug but I feel kind of distanced from everything at the moment. I've wondered if I'm going to come out of this different again. I know that some changes are going on and I know that experiences can map the brain to some extent. Just have to wait and see, won't I.

Being in a different headspace seems to have lead some people to believe that I might be easy to manipulate at the moment. Can't believe that anyone could believe that I'm easy to manipulate at any time, but there you go. Still they really have f*ck all to do with me. If they want to waste their time that's their business.

I've been thinking about the woman who was back to blog. She's with a great bloke. You know, someone that really makes you take notice. It's really good because she's sure been through some troubles. And now some more and it's good to know that someone like him's around. Unlike the other creeps she'd been out with before. He sure is one cool dude and then some.

I think I'm just going through some form of cynicism at the moment too which is being rather muted and perhaps a little distorted by my tiredness. The cynicism is in the right place but the way I'm experiencing it seems different and I think it's just down to tiredness. Time will tell though.

Just have to see how things go. Perhaps I need a cut off point for a while.

I think there might've been a bit of patronising shit going down too. I mean can you even begin to imagine? I mean they must be off this planet. Y'know people who if they had to deal with just a bit of what I have in my life would just f*cking keel over in the breeze.

Anyway think I better go and at least try to get some sleep. Flipping bug's messed up my sleep patterns a bit too.