Friday, October 07, 2005


Handbag has answered a lot of my questions about relationships and sexuality while I've been reading it. I must admit I wouldn't put up with a lot of the things that people seem to there, would've done once maybe, but not anymore. Would rather be alone.

I've read that women can often find themselves happier out of a relationship situation. At the moment I'm very relaxed about the situation I'm in. People who know me seem a lot happier about it than about my last relationship too. I'm surprized that people generally have reacted the way they have but there you go. Though things often seem to end in a lot of giggling.

So far it's just been fine. No arguments because of talking everything out. You know, well, hush my mouth. And it's possible they might've saved my sanity and maybe even my life because they've detraumatised me so much.