Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Orleans

Heavens, Blogger is slow this morning. Wonder if we're due for more outtages. We've had a couple recently but not nearly as many as usual. Wonder what's going on there then. I might even be finding that I'm missing them. But this morning we have certainly got a few gremlins.


Anyway I came here to post a few links to things that are going on around New Orleans in response to hurricane Katrina. Decided to post in here because I'd posted up the Zydeco links here rather than in the music blog which is strangely quiet at the moment. That's because I've not been very musical for a while.

The one that had caught my eye this morning was on the BBC site and it's a video clip

So I went around and found some links to the New Orleans Jazz Festival and a few other things that link in with it all.

Just some pictures from the BBC of this years Jazz and Heritage Festival from New Orleans.

And a link to The Jazz Foundation which held a benefit concert

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Possibly not one of my better days. Though I was talking on the phone for hours so I guess it can't have been that bad. It's quite a long time since I've talked like that. Maybe I am getting a bit better but I still don't feel quite back to how I was.

Off to bed. Past my bedtime. Got to have dinner. Somehow, something, but maybe not in that order.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


One of the posts on a board I belong to brought a touch of sadness to the music I've been listening to. Hurricane season is just about to begin. Brings back memories of Katrina last year which I connected to a lot because of my interest in Zydeco.


It seems the hurricane season begins of June 1st

and that New Orleans is predicted to be the top hurricane target

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Back again

To remind self

Click to donate


Click to donate

Right along the line from rainforest to daily action.

Quote from the hunger site

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"

Native American Proverb.

From care2

"Interview your soul .... Beyond all labels and opinions, and beyond the material world, there is part of you which is pure consciousness. This is konpaku -- what the Ninja might understand as soul or spirit"

Cajun music

La la la la la laa

Cajun music

Bonne Musique Zydeco

Rockin' Dopsie

Jo-El Sonnier

A brief history of Cajun, Creole, and Zydeco music.

Claps paws


And dances out.

La la la la la la

Da da da da da

Dances in

Da da da daaa da da da daa

La la la la laa la la

Claps paws

Da da da daaa da da da daa

Sorry, 2 much zydeco

La la la la la laa la la

Claps paws

Dances out

La la laa

Monday, May 22, 2006


I had to go and get some photos taken today in one of those photo booths. So, I went down to the station to get them done.

As it turned out I had to have them taken twice because I made a mistake the first time and somehow chose the only one of the four pictures I could choose from that I most definitely didn't want to print out.

This picture somehow made me look as if I'd fallen asleep in the booth which was not the effect I was hoping for.

This happened because the machine kept on telling me to press confirm when I'd chosen the photo I wanted. The first time I chose the picture I wanted, pressed confirm and thought that all I had to do then was to wait for my photos to be printed. But, the machine kept on asking me to choose the picture I wanted and press confirm. Then it ruddy asked me which was my favourite photo of the four I'd posed for and I chose the sleepy one not realizing that this had anything to do with which photo was going to be printed. After all I'd already chosen one and pressed confirm sometime earlier.

The machine kept on and on though and things got very confused.

Anyway, when I saw which photo I'd got. Four all the same as well!!! Four sleepy looking lemuures I decided that I'd have to have the photos done again as I wanted to look alert rather than if I'd somehow managed to fall asleep.

The second time I ignored the machine's pleas to keep on choosing the photo I wanted and to press confirm. And carried on ignoring it when it asked me which was my favourite photo. I'd fallen for that last time and it certainly wasn't going to happen again because what might be my favourite photo out of the four might not be the one that made me look a totally alert and bushy tailed lemuure.

Must say though that the machines certainly take better photos than they used to. I will always remember a passport photo of mine that I used a while back which used to make people get very confused when they looked at it and then looked at me because there was no resemblance between the photo and me at all.

And, yes, I did chose it on purpose.

This time the only really striking difference between me and the photos is that the fur around and just below my shoulders isn't black IRL.

Not to worry.


I'm quite a sad lemuure this evening. I bought a pack of croutons in one of the local supermarkets only to find that what I had bought had been severely misrepresented on the front of the packet.

Now, tell me this. If you buy a packet which has a photo of purple croutons on the front, do you not expect to find purple croutons inside the packet too.

Would you not find this a total misrepresentation of what you were buying and therefore feel that you had been severely lead astray by the photo on the packet. Infact totally misled as to what you were parting with your money for.

Would not the lemuurie on the Clapham omnibus (if you've studied law you'll know ALL about the Clapham omnibus!!) feel that this was totally unfair. Would not the reasonable lemuure in the street be astounded that there were no purple croutons in the packet.

Strange here when I mentioned it someone said why don't you just take the bloody things back if you're that upset.

It seems here that misrepresentations of the purple kind do not end up in court.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I'm still rather a sleepy lemuure and just wanted to curl up and doze this morning. But at ten o'clock porridge called and here I am. Washed, dressed, porridged and, it looks like, ready to go out.

I suspect a walk will wake me up a little more. Effects of all that anaesthetic going but still have a bit of a cold. Otherwise things are improving healthwise.

I was given a bit of healing a couple of days ago which was really about being taught to relax through visualization. I've been practicing it a bit which is good I guess because for a while I'd let anything like this go.

I find it really relaxing. It's a chakra based relaxation and seems to work possibly because of the colour visualization which I find relaxing. There's more to it than that and it seems to suit me. I seem to be able to get into it easily, maybe because of the time I've spent with meditation in the past. Have possibly gone through the stage where you have to get used to relaxing like this.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


No commas are needed here.

No, commas are needed here.


Monday, May 15, 2006

The comma

I'm sure it's no mistake that the word comma sounds so like coma. Was there ever a punctuation mark that was meant to confuse, confound and render lemuures completely senseless.

So, I put one here do I?


Here, then?


Oh, and there shouldn't be one there either.

When it comes to explaining this phenomena people either seem unable to explain it or explain it in a way that is so bound up in commarese that you end up having a hard time just following what they're talking about let alone understanding where the fricking commas should go. And can end up with more comma confusion than you had to start off with.

So, I guess the best way of getting round this is to use a full stop in some places where you think a comma might be needed and just start a new sentence. Or, maybe, just write a couple of lines or so and forget about punctuation altogether.

Commas? Who needs them.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Getting ready to move

Starting to feel much better now and will soon be on the move to Blogspirit to start the new blogs. Suitcases not quite packed and I'm not sure what to take from here and what to leave but some will be going with me.

Have had a very pleasant day really though still not feeling that well.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I felt well enough to walk up to Sainsburys today (and back). Lovely walk though I chose not to go along the canal bank. Walked along the road. Someone had obviously planted a mixture of cranesbill seeds along with the grass on some of the verges. There were three different kinds there, though I could only name the herb robert. I recognised all of them, one I had collected seeds for and grown for my own garden once. No meadow cranesbills, which are one of my favourite flowers, but then they'd really be too big to include in a grass and wild flower mixture. I've collected seeds for these and had them growing in the garden.

It's been a lovely day. Don't want to put too much of a dampener on it because I loved being out there and I just kind of accept that things are the way they are. I'll complain and analyse what's going on, but I accept that it's happening. But there was a very noticeable breeze as I was walking along the roads. I just accept that the wind's nearly always making it's presence felt these days and has been for a few years now. But again it was a reminder that things need looking at for the future.

Sainsbury's is pretty cool too and is starting to mark some of it's vegan products as being suitable for vegans. Wow!!! Someone has noticed we exist. Hopefully one day we won't have to check the ones that look as if they might be vegan but turn out to be vegetarian because someone's decided that there must be a drop or two of milk added. But, it's still cool that some of the products have been marked.

And I have some squares of coconut to get the gums into. Actually I have more than enough teeth still to tackle a few squares of coconut. I think on reflection that I might eat them away from the bits the dentist so kindly added last week in readiness for my bridge. I would hate to have to have them done again. I have a kind of inner sqrat going on at the moment though in a less exuberant fashion. I would hate to damage this after all the work the dentist did.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Oh wow!!!!!!

Things have returned to normal on the blog.. Blogger control have been working hard again

Shuffles paws guiltily.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Don't know why

But the typepad is coming up to edit Html rather than to compose ur bloggings for the day. I thought for a moment that Blogger was down again but it seems to be set to do that and you have to change it over yourself at the moment.

It's not a problem though, but for a moment I thought .................... Blogger's down again.
