Monday, May 22, 2006


I'm quite a sad lemuure this evening. I bought a pack of croutons in one of the local supermarkets only to find that what I had bought had been severely misrepresented on the front of the packet.

Now, tell me this. If you buy a packet which has a photo of purple croutons on the front, do you not expect to find purple croutons inside the packet too.

Would you not find this a total misrepresentation of what you were buying and therefore feel that you had been severely lead astray by the photo on the packet. Infact totally misled as to what you were parting with your money for.

Would not the lemuurie on the Clapham omnibus (if you've studied law you'll know ALL about the Clapham omnibus!!) feel that this was totally unfair. Would not the reasonable lemuure in the street be astounded that there were no purple croutons in the packet.

Strange here when I mentioned it someone said why don't you just take the bloody things back if you're that upset.

It seems here that misrepresentations of the purple kind do not end up in court.