Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Orleans

Heavens, Blogger is slow this morning. Wonder if we're due for more outtages. We've had a couple recently but not nearly as many as usual. Wonder what's going on there then. I might even be finding that I'm missing them. But this morning we have certainly got a few gremlins.


Anyway I came here to post a few links to things that are going on around New Orleans in response to hurricane Katrina. Decided to post in here because I'd posted up the Zydeco links here rather than in the music blog which is strangely quiet at the moment. That's because I've not been very musical for a while.

The one that had caught my eye this morning was on the BBC site and it's a video clip

So I went around and found some links to the New Orleans Jazz Festival and a few other things that link in with it all.

Just some pictures from the BBC of this years Jazz and Heritage Festival from New Orleans.

And a link to The Jazz Foundation which held a benefit concert