Thursday, May 31, 2007


Yes, I'm still here at the hospital but tomorrow I'm outta here. I guess being a day or so late shouldn't really be too much of a surprize.

LALA. Lemuures are late always or at least this one seems to be.

I'm actually quite pleased to be late this time as a friend is having something done here tomorrow and I'll be here for part of the day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Muure and muure pills

There have been more pills but I have also had steroid drips. These are like the pillies but they are in liquid form and come in plastic bags and bottles. The bottles are quite hard as I discovered on my last visit here but the bags much softer.
I had two of these drips because they wanted me to have large doses of the steroids. The last time I had the drips it was fer water so I didn't become dehydrated.

How they do this is to put a candula into your hand or arm so they can attach the bag by a tube to it and all the liquid flows slowly into your veins. This time the bag, we had the soft ones this time, was attached to a mobile drip stand so if you wanted a potter around the ward you could just potter off taking the stand and drip with you.

The last stand I had was attached to the bed and I foolishly tried to take the drip bottle off the stand to go on a potter and knocked myself on the head with it. If I'd thought I'd've realised that I could've taken the brake off the bed and taken the bed and drip stand down the ward with me.

But I guess you don't always think of these things at the time. I tried to unhook the drip bottle from the stand and hit myself on the head with it.

There's also been a change in pillies. The yellow steroid sparing pillies have been replaced with a different one. This time in my favourite colour so I now have matching t shirts and pillies. These ones are much better without any of the problems that I had with the other ones.

There's also a new tummy pill to look after the tum because of all the other pillies I'm taking.

And now I think it's time fer a certain lemuure to be turning in to get somme Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs.

Tomorrow is going 2 B a busy day cause a lemuure is leaving hospital.


Well, we are staying with the flourescent orange and purply pills. And I have the clear liquid and the b-i-g white pills that fizz. And a suggestion for something else that I'll be thinking about. I'll probably try this too, it's just for while my back and other illness are sorted out.

It's just temporary but it seems such a lot fer the pain but it's needed at the moment. I'm lucky not to have allergies to these pillies and very good tolerance for the purple and orange flourescent MSTs. Some lemuuries have sickness and other problems.

Another lady was started on them yesterday and she loved the colours. She wasn't sick and these pills have helped with her pain.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A change .. and then back again

Well, since writing that there was another change in medication and the purple pills and the orange pills were changed for white ones and beige ones. But only for a day and then back we went to the orange and purple ones. This was because the new pain relief gave a certain lemuure some contra indications and instead of pain relief I had tinitus, nausea and a headache. Rather different from what I was hoping for so tomorrow I'm going to see the pain relief team.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Medicating the poorly paw paws

Well, this bit of skin ain't connected to this bit of skin
And - that bit of skin ain't connected to that bit of skin

And that's what it's all about!

Though the poorly paw paws are a lot better they can still be a bit on the painful side. The rest continues to improve slowly too. This is because I'm on the slowly improving medication rather than being given heaps 'n' heaps of steroids.

I was taken off some pills and put on others which are in my favourite colour, pale grape - so, now I have matching t shirts and tablets.

What else has changed?

Well, I've more of the pain relief to help me through this painful time. The MST comes in purple and an orange pills. Very colourful. They're made by the same people who make the raspberry flavoured granules I think.

It's getting late here so I think a certain lemuure better say good night and turn in.