Thursday, September 08, 2005


A lot of the things I've been involved with over the past few months kind of came to fruition today or are well on their way and everything I've done has gone right. People were congratulating me, saying it was amazing how much I know, how much confidence I've given people. You'd think it would be a good day but I just got more and more stressed out as the day went on and more things were going right. The more the day went on the more nervous I got and ended up with a tummy full of butterflies. It's not that I'm not pleased at how things have gone, I am, I almost shed a few tears of happiness at one point during the day. But things have changed and I guess I'm looking into the future a bit and just feel nervous. Maybe it'll take a few days for my brain to process all that's happened and then I'll be alright again.

I was pleased before just kind of assessing things as they were going on but today there it all was so that I couldn't avoid looking at so much of what I've done or helped to do and it was really quite scary.

There were other people talking about how I'd given them confidence and how well things were going, tears in the eyes of a couple of people as they looked at me, and while this was going on I just got more and more nervous.

I hadn't really thought of it before as I am now. Things were there to do so I did them.

My stomach is contracting just thinking about it now.

Yeah, maybe in a few days I'll be ok.

It's just a kind of change of perception as much as anything else I guess.