Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I'm still tired and a little bit feverish I think cause I still break out in a bit of a sweat occasionally but I am getting better.

Feel a bit depressed again. Maybe because I caught a glimpse of someone I know on the way home and thought they looked rather ill and I'd been reading the article on domestic violence in this month's Company magazine.

What with that and reading Handbag makes you wonder if relationships are worth the bother if you're happy enough on your own.

Maybe they can be.

I wrote a long post about my relationship but then decided not to post it. We're still in the stage of discovering emotions and getting to know each other. Going down one eastern approach to relationships. I've got a couple of books to read, not that I really need them the way things are going. Read a post on hippy com from a guy who talked about this kind of thing too.