Monday, September 05, 2005

Getting better I think

Eaten quite a bit today, most of it healthy food, and that's usually a sign that I've shifted the cold I've got and am starting to get better. Head is still quite slow though.

Had a talk with a friend today as well and yes I guess I am being silly. Cause that's what he said boiled down to. It's not a big deal really is it. I've been thinking about the genes and hormone splashes that evidently have got me here and while I'm not pleased about it it's hardly high on the list of major problems is it. It's a bit on the list of "If that's all you've got to worry about .......". Ah, well, it's not all I've got to worry about by a long way and thinking of the rest of it and other people's problems and general problems in the world it really isn't much is it.

It's good not to need to be in a relationship too. And I don't need to be in one which means if I choose to be with someone it's because I really want to be with them. Looking back though that might be age that's got me here. There's a wonderful article in this months US Cosmo about Love making you blind and ain't that true. Have to say, with one exception, I think the people I've slept with have been fine, just not right for me really.

Not that I've slept with that many. I'm very monogamous and I find the thought of casual sex really really totally boring.