Thursday, September 01, 2005


Not been a good day. Bent over to get some rubbish ready for the bin men to collect and started some kind of sick tummy thing going. Sort of bowel cramps and dizzyness and on top of that a feeling that I was going to be sick. That lasted for about fifteen minutes and left me feeling tired and weak. Didn't get the rubbish out ofcourse as I wouldn't have risked picking anything up just incase it started the sickness and pain off again.

Guess it's just part of feeling ill generally. I do know a few other people who are feeling pretty ill at the moment so this bug is affecting other people quite badly too. But for myself I think I've only got myself to blame for it getting as bad as it has. I am totally decaffed today and junk food as been on a very low level. Dinner is going to be healthy to if rather late in the evening, better go and put it on actually as it's gone nine. Maybe I'll just have a soya slice sandwich, soya yoghurt and some salad. Don't really fancy cooking and that'll be quite nutritious. I say I don't fancy cooking, all I do is put a ready meal in the oven at the moment. Just tired out though and I'd rather just go and make a sandwich and get the meal over with.