Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Feeling a bit better again

Head is still as whoozy as anything though. Back muscles very constricted as well and neck muscles are very tight. Heard today that someone else has been very ill with this bug, worse than me. Still, the healthy eating carries on. Actually felt a bit queasy looking at chocolate and crisps today and came back with a bag of good nourishing food. Saw an article in one of the papers about how eating well helps concentration and memory. Didn't read the article but might later on. It might be concentrating on fish oils from what I saw and that isn't of any use to me but it might go on to talk about vegan or veggie alternatives cause these artiles often do now. I know that healthy eating is good for the brain, it just follows really doesn't it cause the brain needs nutrients to function and if isn't getting the nutrients it needs it's not going to work so well.

My back is bad though.