Friday, April 07, 2006


Am in a much better mood than I was when I woke up this morning. Strange, I came back in a good mood yesterday, though noticed as the evening went on that I seemed to be getting a bit on the moody side. Went to bed and woke up in one of my best go away u moods.

Was going out for the day today but just didn't feel like it which was probably just as well and got on with things here instead. Still in a bad mood and feeling very tired. Noticed that I was feeling better as the afternoon wore on. But things still seemed not quite right.

Went out for a while, though it was too cold to stay out for long because I wasn't feeling that great and there was quite a cold wind. But whatever it was that was making me feel like I did has lifted.

I think I will leave it here though. I was going to write about the Draw A Pig Personality Test which we were invited to take on one board but that can wait until tomorrow. I'm not sure if we were asked to do this to see if we were suitable for the board but it didn't really matter as no one shared their results.

I messed mine up totally but never mind.