Sunday, March 26, 2006

Left the umbrella behind but it didn't matter.

So, I didn't get wet.


Though this isn't good for the drought down South where I'm heading


But, maybe, they had most of the rain, and, because they need it there


I went out for a walk around the comyn. Saw my first violets of the year. Don't know how long they'd been out for because I hadn't been down that path for a while. Saw some celedines (think that's what they're called), little yellow flowers, plenty of snowdrops, and a lot of wild primroses, smaller than the garden variety.

Didn't stay out for long, I'd forgotten my watch. Got back, walking up the road back here as a few drops of rain fell, had something to eat, felt tired and decided to rest rather than go out again. Good decision as it turned out as I think I was fighting off this cold I've got.

Wasn't as warm as I'd hoped while I was out, think I missed the 14 degrees. Still was out in a t shirt (plus purple cardigan and velvet jean jacket ... it wasn't that warm!!).

Hope I catch the 15 degrees tomorrow, and that it's here for a while.