Saturday, March 25, 2006

No, it's a song ..........................

As well as a poem!!!!

First of all I thought that I'd have to make up my own tune as I went along.

But, it seems, that we are not lucky, and that rather than make up our own tunes, there is a tune already that has come down through the centuries.


"If your browser is rigged to play midi files, you can click on the speaker icons to hear a crude version of the tune" More farting bucks I suppose.

Actually they've been very careful how they've worded the translation here. No farting allowed it seems, so just before we begin it's best to check. And here we have it:

So, now we can go back to the other page:

And then listen to it here

You just have to love these old songs, don't you.

Ofcourse, you can make up your own tune if you don't like this one.

And there I have celebrated the first warm days of Spring as I look forward to sumer.

And then can forget about it again til next year.