Thursday, March 16, 2006

Getting better all the time

Still so tired though. It seems to be main theme running through all this. Even got a cab back from the station this evening rather than walk .. probably the only time I've got a taxi for such a short journey. Still the weather wasn't very nice and I am tired.

The swelling and stiffness is improving day by day, though still has a way to go but things are getting better and I reckon it'll be ok in a week or so because things are kind of shifting back into place now rather than just relaxing.

Had a bit of an upset today, but life will shift back into gear.

Came back today with an assortment of magazines to read and a couple of dvds. One by Steve Earle, whose music and a lot of his politics really interest me, and to be honest I've forgotten who the other's by.

A lemuurie moment!!!!

Still, am off to get dinner sorted out now. And then to bed I think.