Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I saw the woman I thought had gone off with out speaking yesterday and we had a longish chat. I realised how silly I'd been because she actually notes the days when she doesn't see me so she really does think of me as a friend.

She wanted quite a bit of advice yesterday and I knew where she could get help in one case and could give her a bit of advice to think over in others. I mean it's up to her I could just say what I felt about things.

I saw her again a bit later on and she just had this glow about her. And I thought gosh that's all it takes sometimes to make someone happy. Just sit and talk to them and be kind and help them out. I mean, she's fine, she's pleasant, there's no problems.

I was thinking about age though as well. When I was her age I had friends older than me and I didn't think anything of it. I didn't actually notice that much to be honest. But since I've been trotting into middle age myself I have put barriers up a bit in that respect. I was doing it at 30 as well thinking back though differently then. Always had friends older than me and obviously a bit younger as well but I felt that teenagers and possible early 20s should be out having fun with their own age group rather than being around me.

Maybe I wasn't quite right there. Though I think as friends go there's a difference then and now. There's more of a generation gap and perhaps it makes just being friends easier in some ways. We sure have a lot of information to pass over from one side to the other and loads of stuff to chat about.

We've interests in common as far as the future goes. I mean I don't care for myself much really. My life has tired me out I think and though I'm very sad at the thought of leaving people I couldn't care less in other respects, but I do for for my friends.

I sometimes think what would I feel if I was faced with these problems at their age. Guess it would be pretty bad. Don't know to be honest.