Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I ran for the first time since I developed the infection in the left groundside paw at the end of last year. Up hill too!!! Not for long but there weren't any problems.

I haven't had any trouble with the paw since my first Bowen therapy session which is surprizing cause I've had a lousey cold since then and colds up til then always made the paw much worse and at times would bring the limp back.

My muscles are still stiff and there's still a way to go. I go again tomorrow for my third treatment.

I've been rather bolshie over the last couple of days too. At times. I've noticed the changes that are happening in my mind. Not just being a bit on the ratty side! My interest in music is coming back, and the dance. Played Cornershop's Brimful Of Asha and had an Indian dancer dancing in my mind. Just playing out the beats in the music.

U've been pretty bolshoi the last two days then Lemuure?

I hate ballet.

Bolshie but not bolshoi.