Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bij de tandarts

This time I was almost late getting to the dentists. I had to get a taxi from Paddington across to the suburbs of South London.


Don't ask.

But I have a new day out or two planned. I've always wanted to go to Bristol. Today I was surprized at just how close that dream was to coming true.

Anyway I got to ... Paddington ... with an hour left to get over to my dentist. So, the only way I could get there on time was by cab and with crossed paws that we would get there before the late afternoon traffic could slow us down. As we crossed the river into Battersea I knew I'd make it. Close thing this time though. I got there with ten minutes to spare to find that my dentist was running half an hour slow.

He apologised. I smiled and said not to worry. And thought little do you know .....

I wasn't there for long once the treatment started. More work on the root canal and an x ray.

Back next week for a longer time. Think I might head down the day before as the appointment's earlier in the day. Not so much time for unintentional sight seeing on the way.

Next week he's going to make me a temporary bridge which I think is just made out of plaster which I'll have while I wait for the new one.