Wednesday, August 17, 2005

One board down

Will stop posting to the board that has just isn't going at the moment. I thought that it might encourage people to start posting but it hasn't. Wrote out long post that was about an article in Cosmo and should've got some replies though only three people and me read it so I guess in board terms no replies isn't bad. It took a lot of time though and if there's no discussion going on there really might as well go somewhere else. There's next to no posting new topics either.

I'm still limited to three posts on the other one but I've put my hand in the air and asked the question on that one now. Maybe I'll have to wait a bit longer though as possibly they've had trouble in the past and want to get to know you.


Still haven't heard from the other one I'd PM'd. When I can talk to the people on the board I'm posting on I'll ask if I can post topics like I was posting on the one reply board. I don't really mind if people don't always answer but if they're not really talking anywhere else either it's not really going to get going.

I'm tired. Just going to have dinner. Can't discuss that as I've used up my three posts for today.

Still lemuures can go back to read and dream of the days of free posting.