Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A snuffly gud night

A snuffly gud night. I will soon be padding the poorly paw paws off to get some rest.

I am a truely repentant lemuure and today there's not an item of junk food here. No processed sugary things because my medication doesn't like them at all. No more chocoolate .. not that I like it very much anyway .. though I can have a mug of drinking chocoolate or Ovaltinies. But other than that I must eat the lentillies and porridge, vegetables and fruit.

It's not been a very good day though the gurgly tum has settled down. A bit sweaty. A bit painful.

But after having the same conversation fer the umpteeth time I'm now turning tail on the sugary foods fer good. Not even a little.

No cake .. not even the triffle and no chocoolate unless it's a mug of cocoa.

A lemuure has to look after the poorly paws.