Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I had to go back into Warwick hospital for a while again. I had to go in an ambulance to the saved A & E department where they saw me very quickly and dealt with the pain I was in and took me upto the ward. Upstairs this time to Beaumont Ward where I was very well looked after and given soup and ginger nut biccies by the lady next to me. Ginger helps to calm the tum, not that it could've done that much in my case as it turned out as a doctor was needed to put that right but the biscuits were very nice.

As was the early morning porridge. I tried it without the extra milk this time and it was very nice.

Once the medical problem had been seen to I felt a lot better though not well. The only extra problem could've been when I knocked myself on the head with the saline drip bottle while I was unhooking it from the stand on my bed. Fortunately I didn't knock myself out. Infact I was fine though a couple of the other patients looked a bit shocked but I was ok and made a point of having tighter paws round the saline bottle from then on.

No walks into Warwick fer me this time. The furthest I could go was to the cafe or restaurant for a drink of hot chocolate and to the Spar shop they have there for papers.