Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Out .. but not for long

Someone said the human equivalent of you seem very bushy tailed today lemuure. And I must admit that I'm not as tired but had to point out THE FREAKING FOOT. Any plans of being anywhere but in a ten minute radius of where I live were soon scuppered. Strange though I had trouble walking down the stairs today, not trouble but there was more pain than before but once I was out and on the pavement there appeared to be less pain. Might be because I'm getting more movement back I guess and the steps were a bit of a workout for the foot. It felt a bit strange walking back up the hill in town too. Hill? It's a slope I was hardly aware was there before.

I was probably out for too long. Went out and got papers and food, then went out for a short walk virtually around the block. It was really pleasant, mild, and as I could only walk slowly I noticed things around me more. Looked at the moon in a blue sky, it looked as if it was made of whispy clouds. Then as I was coming back and the sky was darker there was a glowing yellow moon to see. Must be almost a full moon too.

I was tired when I got in and thought that I'd been out for too long, but after resting for a while and having something to eat I'm feeling better again. I've got a few aches and pains because the cold had tightened my muscles up and though they're starting to relax again they still ache some.

I came home with plenty of healthy food. No junk food at all and this is really important for me at the moment I think. Anyway with the amount of crap I've eaten recently I think I've eaten my share of that for some time. Now I just have to get down and do the other part with the same devotion.

Now I'm just out to the kitchen to sort dinner out: lentil curry (Tesco), small jacket half potatoes (Marks), and salad (Marks). And a bun or some bread of some kind. And a glass of water. And the calcium pill.