Tuesday, January 03, 2006


A lemuure has finally got it. Apologies to Cadburys and other Easter eggers. They know you know. We can celebrate the coming of Spring with New Year's Eve with the eggies, and then celebrate it over and over again as the flowers bloom and the birds build nests after each cold snap.

Perhaps though we can save the big eggs for Easter.

It was quite fitting this year too. After all what is New Year's Day if not the birth of a new year which could be symbolised with the Pagan symbol of an egg for the birth of the new. Usually though the Winter Solstice is a sign of the earth at rest here and the egg for pagans is a symbol of birth as Spring starts the growing season again.

This year the New Year, usually a time of rest, has coincided with wild flowers in bloom, birds nest building and new green shoots and plants appearing. The egg manufacturers know that this isn't the real start of Spring, even though it may look like it, and that we still have winter to go through, so they have just produced small eggs for now. The big ones will come later.