Sunday, September 18, 2005

What a cold can do

Before I came down with this latest cold I was getting ready to just get back into things. Had been reading about the European Court of Justice coming down on the side of passing sentences in criminal cases rather than just informing the member state of its decision and was going to write about that and the history of the UK's view that European law is constitutes a major erosion of parliamentary sovereignty because one Tory MP was saying that again about this decision. Remembering learning the early cases and Lord Denning's views on the subject just came back into my mind as I was thinking about it. Head cold and voila not gone but a bit difficult to get from mind to keyboard. Still, I think the cold is clearing but I don't feel too well mainly I think because I hadn't recovered from the first bug that affected my spine and neck. But I do know now that it's all in there somewhere.

Anyway, I think my priority really has to be moving. Just pleased to find that all the time I sent learning all that wasn't for nothing because it is still in there.