Saturday, September 17, 2005

Cold (2)

I caught a pretty unpleasant virus a while back and it lingered on and on. Now I think I've caught another cold before the symptoms of the first one have gone. I've just been resting most of the day. Was out a little this morning but then came back and rested and think I'm better for it.

Phoned for a chat because I felt I'd like to be cuddled and that is a first for a very, very long time. Actually feeling that. And then being able to admit it.

I can do without touch. I found that out a long time ago. I can pin point easily when I started feeling like that, it was before not liking people touching me. Well, I can pin point to the general time anyway.

I just felt quite ill today and I'd really just like to have nestled up and dozed. But c'est ne pas possible.

I usually like coping with illness, injury and things like that by myself. Injury I just become practical about getting on with things and often don't realise how bad an injury is or push aside the knowledge anyway. With illness, well I just cope the best I can.

The healthy eating is still much better than it was. There are chips tonight with the lentil curry but they are the big thick oven ones. I've been drinking rather a lot of sugar free drinks again instead of my usual water and possible that isn't that good an idea. I've been thinking of just having a glass of wine or something with my dinner as it's meant to have health benefits. I don't drink alcohol but I know a lot of it isn't vegan so if I do that I'm going to have to do find out what I can drink. Anyway it's just a thought.

I'm trying to include what I know about healthy eating in my diet but when you're feeling ill it is a problem to be bothered at times.

I can hear much better again now but there's still a sort of tender feeling round there and me neck and spine. And another cold on top of it all.

So off to the kitchen. Chips, lentil curry and salad and some bread.

Off I potter.