Monday, February 13, 2006


Didn't get to sleep til the early hours again and it was because my muscles were moving. It seems to go into overdrive when I lie down to sleep. You'll be pleased to hear that I spent some of the time thinking about porridge.

And just how wonderful it is.

That was proved again this morning when I got up and headed for the kitchen without the usual sense of forboding at having to cook breakfast.

I washed the saucepan up from last night, eyed up the clean tea towel with glee and set about pouring the oats, soya milk and water into the saucepan.

Breakfast: 11.00 a.m.

So, I did get quite a bit of rest eventually.

Thing is I still feel tired. But not as tired as yesterday.

And it does lift during the day sometimes which is rather the wrong way round. But hopefully in time this will all be sorted out again.