Sunday, February 05, 2006


One of the other bloggeroos isn't accepting posts at the moment and hasn't been for a day now. I can only hope that this means that we'll be getting the change-a-date option back soon for those posts you start and then leave for a week or so.

Have been resting for most of the day as I've got a bit of a chill again. Don't feel too bad all things considered and I do understand that this is down to me taking time out.

Potters off to get glass of water.

Has cooked and eaten a meal of pasta, beans and veggies. But, sadly forgot the garlic again. Seems the garlic is more in the mind than in the mouth at the moment. Thanks Mr Stoker but we have to eat it too it seems.*

Manyana, manyama

*ref: Dec. 5th 2005 post